SUCCESS STORY: Advancing Operational Research to Stop TB in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Abstract: In 2021, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Tuberculosis Data, Impact Assessment and Communications Hub (TB DIAH) project began supporting the DRC's ongoing efforts to strengthen its national TB program (NTP). The project worked with the USAID/DRC Mission and the DRC's National TB Program--the Programme National de Lutte contre la
Tuberculose (PNLT)--to conduct a gap analysis of the TB system. This analysis revealed a gap in information on the drivers of TB in the DRC. To address this gap and help answer major programmatic questions, TB DIAH recommended operational research (OR) to provide more technical information than the available routinely collected data. The PNLT requested support with the necessary technical capacity, guidance, and funding required for the needed OR studies.
Tuberculose (PNLT)--to conduct a gap analysis of the TB system. This analysis revealed a gap in information on the drivers of TB in the DRC. To address this gap and help answer major programmatic questions, TB DIAH recommended operational research (OR) to provide more technical information than the available routinely collected data. The PNLT requested support with the necessary technical capacity, guidance, and funding required for the needed OR studies.
Shortname: FS-24-703 TB_508c
Author(s): TB DIAH
Year: 2024
Language: English
Resource Type: News Articles
Source: TB DIAH
Filed under: africa, article, Democratic Republic of Congo, DR Congo, DRC, news, operational research, OR, success, success story, TB, Tuberculosis