Data to Action Assessments: Cross-Country Look at Findings and Proposed Actions to Strengthen Country TB Data Use (Union Conference 2024)

Citation: TB DIAH. (2024). Data-to-Action Continuum (D2AC) Assessments: Cross-Country Look at Findings and Proposed Actions to Strengthen TB Data Use. Satellite session oral presentation for the 2024 Union World Conference on Lung Health. Chapel Hill, NC, USA : TB DIAH, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Abstract: As part of the track "Information systems for TB, programme monitoring and TB surveillance" at the 2024 Union World Conference on Lung Health held in Bali, Indonesia, a satellite session on November 14, 2024 centered around the theme of "From insights to action: Bolstering National TB Programmes and results through improved data and information systems". This session explored how robust and efficient TB health information systems that produce and use high-quality data are essential for responsive and person-centered care, enabling public health practitioners, care providers, and clients to make informed decisions and advance TB elimination goals. Investments in national data and information systems must be tailored to the country’s context and TB program priorities. This session highlighted experiences working with National TB Programs to expand and strengthen TB information systems to bolster national and sub-national level decision-making through data use practices. Presenters discussed experiences from Pakistan, Indonesia, and Zimbabwe as well as an assessment tool developed by the TB DIAH project and applied across multiple African and Asian countries. Each example offered a model of enhancing health systems tailored to countries’ specific contexts and included learnings that can be applied to other countries seeking data and information systems improvement to advance effective, person-centered TB care and make strides in ending TB.
Showcased and invited to present as part of this satellite session, the TB DIAH project highlighted the Data-to-Action Continuum (D2AC) assessment and toolkit, which evaluates a NTP’s data use capabilities across levels and sectors. The TB D2AC has been implemented across six countries. The consistent use of the tool enabled comparisons in the strengths and challenges countries experience regarding TB data use and what areas they choose to prioritize. This presentation delves into results from multiple countries to discuss the trends seen between D2AC countries to highlight how information from these assessments were used and the similarities and differences in how countries developed action plans to respond to identified deficiencies.
Showcased and invited to present as part of this satellite session, the TB DIAH project highlighted the Data-to-Action Continuum (D2AC) assessment and toolkit, which evaluates a NTP’s data use capabilities across levels and sectors. The TB D2AC has been implemented across six countries. The consistent use of the tool enabled comparisons in the strengths and challenges countries experience regarding TB data use and what areas they choose to prioritize. This presentation delves into results from multiple countries to discuss the trends seen between D2AC countries to highlight how information from these assessments were used and the similarities and differences in how countries developed action plans to respond to identified deficiencies.
Year: 2024
Language: English
Resource Type: Reports
Source: TB DIAH
Filed under: Bangladesh, continuum, D2AC, data to action, data to action continuum, Ghana, Haiti, Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, TB, TB Union, The Union, Tuberculosis, Union, union conference, Uzbekistan