Standards and benchmarks for tuberculosis surveillance and vital registration systems: checklist and user guide
Abstract: A major goal of tuberculosis (TB) surveillance is to provide an accurate measure of the number of new TB cases and related deaths that occur each year, and to be able to assess these trends over time. In some countries, TB surveillance already meets the standards necessary to do this, but in others, there are important gaps in the TB surveillance system that make this impossible. For example, TB cases that are diagnosed in the private sector go unreported in many settings, and in many countries with a high burden of TB, people with TB may not access health care and therefore not be diagnosed at all. Furthermore, many countries lack vital registration systems with the geographical coverage and quality required to accurately measure deaths caused by TB. Therefore, the Checklist of standards and benchmarks for TB surveillance and vital registration systems was developed with the following objectives:

  • To assess a national surveillance system’s ability to accurately measure TB cases and deaths.

  • To identify gaps in national surveillance systems that must be addressed in order to improve TB surveillance

Author(s): World Health Organization
Year: 2014
Language: English
Resource Type: Guidance and Tools
Source: Challenge TB
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