TB DIAH in Cambodia
In Cambodia, TB DIAH worked to improve the performance of the TB M&E system in the country by supporting the National Center for Tuberculosis and Leprosy (CENAT)’s transition from a paper-based to electronic TB Management Information System (MIS). TB DIAH also supported the development of a national TB M&E plan, and contributed to strengthening the capacity to use data for decision making at all levels by collaborating on capacity assessments, developing tailored TB M&E training materials, and facilitating in-person trainings in TB M&E for CENAT staff, TB provincial supervisors and operational district TB supervisors, and others.
Essential Resources for Cambodia
- NTP Website: http://www.cenat.gov.kh/cenat/
- National TB Strategic Plan: http://www.cenat.gov.kh/cenat/en/content/national-strategic-plan-end-tuberculosis-cambodia-2021-2030
- MDR-TB Guidelines: http://www.cenat.gov.kh/cenat/sites/default/files/files/documents/files/Report%20National%20Tuberculosis%20D.R.S%202006-2007.pdf
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USAID Cambodia
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