Go to the data dashboard for Ukraine.
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The resources below offer reports for audiences in Ukraine. Guidance and tools, research, strategies, dashboards, and presentations are also available.
Stop TB Partnership (2020)
Zulfiya Charyeva, Sian Curtis, Stephanie Mullen (2018)
Zulfiya Charyeva, Smisha Agarwal, Kristen Brugh, Sin L. Curtis, Stephanie Mullen (2018)
Зульфія Чарієва, Сміша Агарвал, Крістен Бруг, Шан Куртіс, Стефані Маллен (2018)
United States Agency for International Development (2017)
World Health Organization (2016)
MEASURE Evaluation (2015)
The Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) Program (2008)
USAID Ukraine
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