Resources on Tuberculosis

TB DIAH presents a variety of resources that shed light on data from TB programs worldwide, disease trends and progress reports to the U.S. Congress, and assessments of country programs to fight TB.

Key Resources by USAID Strategic Area

As part of its 2023-2030 Global Tuberculosis (TB) Strategy, USAID intends to work with partners worldwide to reach every person with tuberculosis, cure those in need of treatment, prevent new infections and progression to active TB disease, while scaling-up innovations in detection, care, and treatment, and fostering local ownership to sustain TB programs that contribute to pandemic preparedness.

The resources below can help USAID’s partners support each part of this goal.

Recent Publications

Bangladesh National Tuberculosis Control Program (2013)

Statistics Indonesia (Badan Pusat Statistik—BPS), National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN), and Kementerian Kesehatan (Kemenkes—MOH), and ICF International (2013)

The Demographic and Health Survey Program (2013)

Mozambique Ministério da Saúde (2013)

Biopreservation and Biobanking (2013)

Health Research Policy and Systems (2013)

IOS Press (2013)

BMC Infectious Diseases (2013)

World Health Organization (2013)

TB Care I (2013)

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