Gender M&E Author(s): Global Health Learning Center Year: 2014 Filed under: Course, e-course, e-learning, Evaluation, Gender, Global health, global health learning, learning, Monitoring, USAID Continue Reading
Technical Brief: Tuberculosis, Gender and Human Rights Author(s): The Global Fund Year: 2020 Filed under: Gender, human rights, TB, TB programs, TB services Continue Reading
Integrating gender data in health information systems: challenges, opportunities and good practices Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2021 Filed under: decision making, Gender, gender equality, Health Information Systems, health policy Continue Reading
TB DIAH Gender Strategy Author(s): TB DIAH Year: 2021 Filed under: Gender, strategy, TB Continue Reading
A systematic review on the role of gender in tuberculosis control Author(s): Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance Year: 2010 Filed under: Gender, Guidance and Tools, Review, TB control, Universal access Continue Reading
National Framework for a Gender-Responsive Approach to TB in India Author(s): Central TB Division of India Year: 2019 Filed under: Equity, Gender, Guidance, Guidance and Tools, India, Prevention, TB burden, TB care Continue Reading
Factors Affecting Sex- and Age-Disaggregated Data in Health Information System: Lessons from the Field Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation Year: 2017 Filed under: Age-Disaggregated Data, Brief, Data, Gender, Health Information Systems, Kenya, Sex-Disaggregated Data, Tanzania, Zambia Continue Reading
Standard Operating Procedure for Integrating Gender in Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation Year: 2018 Filed under: Brief, Evaluation, Gender, Guidance, Guidance and Tools, Monitoring, Research Continue Reading
The Importance of Gender in Tuberculosis Data Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation Year: 2017 Filed under: Brief, Evaluation, Gender, Guidance, Guidance and Tools, Monitoring, TB data, Tuberculosis Continue Reading
Guidelines for Integrating Gender into an M&E Framework and System Assessment Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation Year: 2016 Filed under: Assessment, Evaluation, Gender, Guidance, Guidance and Tools, M&E, Monitoring Continue Reading