New tuberculosis technologies: challenges for retooling and scale-up Author(s): The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Year: 2011 Filed under: Journal Article, NTP, Research, Technology, Tools Continue Reading
Wildlife Reservoirs of Bovine Tuberculosis Worldwide: Hosts, Pathology, Surveillance, and Control Author(s): Veterinary Pathology Year: 2012 Filed under: Bovine, Journal Article, Research, Surveillance, Zoonotic Continue Reading
Mobile phone text messaging for promoting adherence to anti-tuberculosis treatment: a systematic review Author(s): BMC Infectious Diseases Year: 2013 Filed under: Digital Health, Journal Article, mHealth, Research, Review, Treatment Continue Reading
E-Health Systems for Management of MDR-TB in Resource-Poor Environments: A Decade of Experience and Recommendations for Future Work Author(s): IOS Press Year: 2013 Filed under: Digital Health, Journal Article, mdr-tb, multidrug-resistant TB, Research, Technology Continue Reading
Economic Support to Patients in HIV and TB Grants in Rounds 7 and 10 from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Author(s): PLOS One Year: 2014 Filed under: Costs, HIV, Journal Article, Research, TB and HIV, TB patients Continue Reading
The Global Consortium for Drug-resistant Tuberculosis Diagnostics (GCDD): design of a multi-site, head-to-head study of three rapid tests to detect extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis Author(s): Trials Year: 2014 Filed under: Diagnosis, DR-TB, Drug-resistant TB, Journal Article, Rapid tests, Research, XDR-TB Continue Reading
mHealth: An updated systematic review with a focus on HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis long term management using mobile phones Author(s): Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Year: 2015 Filed under: Digital Health, HIV, Journal Article, Management, mHealth, Research, TB and HIV, TB care, Technology Continue Reading
Potential of nanotechnology as a delivery platform against tuberculosis: Current research review Author(s): Journal of Controlled Release Year: 2015 Filed under: Diagnostics, Journal Article, Research, Technology, Tuberculosis Continue Reading
The epidemiological advantage of preferential targeting of tuberculosis control at the poor Author(s): The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Year: 2015 Filed under: Journal Article, Poverty, Research, Risk, Socio-economic, TB control Continue Reading
Directly observed therapy for treating tuberculosis Author(s): Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Year: 2015 Filed under: Directly observed therapy, Journal Article, Research, Review, Treatment Continue Reading