Mapping the Technology Landscape of National TB Programs Author(s): The Global Fund Year: 2021 Filed under: Guidance and Tools, NTP, NTPs, TB programs, Technology Continue Reading
Sensitivity, completeness and agreement of the tuberculosis electronic system in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam Author(s): Public Health Action Year: 2017 Filed under: Electronic, Health Information Systems, HIV, Journal Article, Register, Research, TB data, Technology, Vietnam Continue Reading
Using mHealth to combat multidrug-resistant tuberculosis across Vietnam Author(s): PATH Year: 2017 Filed under: Brief, Guidance and Tools, mdr-tb, multidrug-resistant TB, Technology, Vietnam Continue Reading
Electronic Recording and Reporting for Tuberculosis Care and Control Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2012 Filed under: Guidance, Guidance and Tools, Reporting, Surveillance, TB care, TB control, Technology Continue Reading
New tuberculosis technologies: challenges for retooling and scale-up Author(s): The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Year: 2011 Filed under: Journal Article, NTP, Research, Technology, Tools Continue Reading
E-Health Systems for Management of MDR-TB in Resource-Poor Environments: A Decade of Experience and Recommendations for Future Work Author(s): IOS Press Year: 2013 Filed under: Digital Health, Journal Article, mdr-tb, multidrug-resistant TB, Research, Technology Continue Reading
mHealth: An updated systematic review with a focus on HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis long term management using mobile phones Author(s): Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Year: 2015 Filed under: Digital Health, HIV, Journal Article, Management, mHealth, Research, TB and HIV, TB care, Technology Continue Reading
Potential of nanotechnology as a delivery platform against tuberculosis: Current research review Author(s): Journal of Controlled Release Year: 2015 Filed under: Diagnostics, Journal Article, Research, Technology, Tuberculosis Continue Reading
Acquaintance to Artificial Neural Networks and use of artificial intelligence as a diagnostic tool for tuberculosis: A review Author(s): Tuberculosis Year: 2018 Filed under: Case detection, Diagnosis, Diagnostics, Journal Article, Research, Technology, Tuberculosis Continue Reading