Africa Regional Workshop 2024

Citation: Africa Regional Meeting: Strengthening TB Monitoring and Evaluation Systems. May 2024. TB DIAH, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Abstract: To support the rollout of the PBMEF and improve country-level TB M&E, TB DIAH conducted a workshop on TB M&E and surveillance capacity strengthening for 10 countries in the Eastern Europe and Eurasia (EEE) and Central Asian (CA) regions in Tbilisi, Georgia, in November 2022 and again in October 2023. Building off the lessons learned in the EEE/CA workshops, TB DIAH was asked to host a similar workshop in Africa as a practical approach to maximize the number of countries the project can reach with this M&E support.
The overall purpose of the Africa workshop was to provide an opportunity for country-level TB experts, stakeholders, and technical partners to cross-fertilize M&E experiences and further M&E capacity development in the region.
The overall purpose of the Africa workshop was to provide an opportunity for country-level TB experts, stakeholders, and technical partners to cross-fertilize M&E experiences and further M&E capacity development in the region.
Shortname: WS-24-74 TB
Author(s): TB DIAH
Year: 2024
Language: English
Region(s): NIGERIA
Resource Type: Guidance and Tools
Source: TB DIAH