Community-based management of multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis in a tertiary hospital in Tanzania: a best practice implementation project

Citation: Jelly, Isaya; Peters, Micah D.J. Community-based management of multiple drug resistant tuberculosis in a tertiary hospital in Tanzania: a best practice implementation project, JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports: December 2017 - Volume 15 - Issue 12 - p 3092-3101 doi: 10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003390
Abstract: The World Health Organization (WHO) has prioritized collaboration with communities in its 2016 “End TB” implementation strategy. Acknowledging the difficulties that some communities face in gaining access to health facilities due to barriers such as stigma, discrimination, healthcare expenditure, transport and income loss, partnering with communities in the roll-out of community–based TB management activities is vital.
The aim of this project was to make a contribution to promoting evidence-based practice with regards to the community-based management of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) at Kibong’oto National Infectious Disease Hospital, Tanzania, and thereby supporting improvements in patient outcomes and resource utilization.
The project utilized the Joanna Briggs Institute Practical Application of Clinical Evidence System (JBI PACES) program to facilitate the collection of pre- and post-audit data. The Getting Research into Practice (GRiP) module was also used to analyze the potential barriers and for designing the final action plan. This project was conducted in three phases over a three-month period at the MDR-TB unit in a referral hospital in Northern Tanzania.
The project showed that there were significant improvements in compliance rates in staff education and documentation of patients’ suitability and preferences in receiving community-based care for MDR-TB. The compliance rate of criterion 2, which was already 100% at baseline, was slightly lower at follow-up.
The project achieved significant improvements in the delivery of evidence-based practice with regards to community-based management of MDR-TB.
The aim of this project was to make a contribution to promoting evidence-based practice with regards to the community-based management of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) at Kibong’oto National Infectious Disease Hospital, Tanzania, and thereby supporting improvements in patient outcomes and resource utilization.
The project utilized the Joanna Briggs Institute Practical Application of Clinical Evidence System (JBI PACES) program to facilitate the collection of pre- and post-audit data. The Getting Research into Practice (GRiP) module was also used to analyze the potential barriers and for designing the final action plan. This project was conducted in three phases over a three-month period at the MDR-TB unit in a referral hospital in Northern Tanzania.
The project showed that there were significant improvements in compliance rates in staff education and documentation of patients’ suitability and preferences in receiving community-based care for MDR-TB. The compliance rate of criterion 2, which was already 100% at baseline, was slightly lower at follow-up.
The project achieved significant improvements in the delivery of evidence-based practice with regards to community-based management of MDR-TB.
Author(s): JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
Year: 2017
Language: English
Region(s): TANZANIA
Resource Type: Journal Articles
Source: Other
Filed under: Community, Journal Article, mdr-tb, multidrug-resistant TB, Research, Tanzania, TB patients