Data-to-Action Continuum Toolkit and Assessment User Guide

Citation: TB DIAH. (2023). Data-to-Action Continuum Toolkit and Assessment User Guide. Chapel Hill, NC, USA: TB DIAH, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Abstract: This guide is a practical reference for implementing the D2AC assessment. It provides step-by-step instructions for implementation, from initial stakeholder engagement through dissemination of results. The User Guide will be useful to all low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) planning and leading an implementation of the D2AC Assessment. It can be used by M&E managers, data officers, or policymakers and TB program leaders who are interested in assessing and improving the status of TB data-to-action in an LMIC at the national or subnational level. Access additional D2AC resources.
This user guide complements another user guide aimed at providing guidance and assistance to individuals and teams utilizing the D2AC online toolkit, which can be found at
This user guide complements another user guide aimed at providing guidance and assistance to individuals and teams utilizing the D2AC online toolkit, which can be found at
Shortname: MS-22-215 TB
Author(s): Jeanne Chauffour, MS; Meredith Silver, MPH; Yanira Garcia-Mendoza, MPH; Manish Kumar, PhD; David Boone, PhD
Year: 2023
Language: English
Resource Type: Guidance and Tools
Source: TB DIAH