Development and expert validation of a ‘Data-to-Action Continuum’ to measure and advance the data-use capabilities of national tuberculosis programs

Citation: Kumar M, Chauffour J, Silver M, Garcia-Mendoza Y, Boone D. Development and expert validation of a ‘Data-to-Action Continuum’ to measure and advance the data-use capabilities of national tuberculosis programs. Journal of Global Health Reports. 2022;6:e2022058. doi:10.29392/001c.55760
Abstract: The Data-to-Action Continuum (D2AC) Toolkit is intended to advance the data use capabilities associated with people, processes, technology, and institutions of national tuberculosis programs (NTPs). It empowers NTPs and stakeholders to measure current capabilities, identify areas amenable to interventions to build future capacities, and helps align the TB information system to better achieve the NTP’s goals. This paper describes the development process of the D2AC Toolkit, whose aim is to enable NTPs and stakeholders—especially the policymakers, program managers, and laboratory and facility managers—to precisely gauge the barriers limiting the use of data for action and devise appropriate interventions to address them.
Shortname: Development process of the D2AC Toolkit
Author(s): Kumar M, Chauffour J, Silver M, Garcia-Mendoza Y, Boone D.
Year: 2022
Language: English
Region(s): Global
Resource Type: Journal Articles
Source: TB DIAH