Finding the Missing Patients With Tuberculosis: Lessons Learned From Patient-Pathway Analyses in 5 Countries
Citation: Christy Hanson, Mike Osberg, Jessie Brown, George Durham, Daniel P Chin, Finding the Missing Patients With Tuberculosis: Lessons Learned From Patient-Pathway Analyses in 5 Countries, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 216, Issue suppl_7, 1 October 2017, Pages S686–S695,
Abstract: Despite significant progress in diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis over the past 2 decades, millions of patients with tuberculosis go unreported every year. The patient-pathway analysis (PPA) is designed to assess the alignment between tuberculosis care-seeking patterns and the availability of tuberculosis services. The PPA can help programs understand where they might find the missing patients with tuberculosis.
This analysis aggregates and compares the PPAs from case studies in Kenya, Ethiopia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Pakistan.
This analysis aggregates and compares the PPAs from case studies in Kenya, Ethiopia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Pakistan.
Author(s): The Journal of Infectious Diseases
Year: 2017
Language: English
Region(s): Global
Resource Type: Journal Articles
Source: MEASURE Evaluation
Filed under: Ethiopia, Indonesia, Journal Article, Kenya, Philippines, Research, TB patients, TB services