Guidelines for Conducting a Quarterly Performance Review Meeting (Cambodia)

Abstract: A quarterly performance review meeting (QPRM) assesses the quarterly performance of the strategies and interventions implemented following the National Strategic Plan (NSP) and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan, in this case, focused on ending tuberculosis (TB). A QPRM is data-driven, with the Operational District (OD) TB supervisor updating the summary tables of the specified indicators from health facilities (HFs) to present during the QPRM and comparing them with the national and subnational targets. An appropriate review of data before the discussion in the meeting and an action plan after the session is necessary to measure the quality of the data from the HF so that the data generated and compiled at the OD level are of high quality to be used as evidence for policy change. The Data Quality Review (DQR) toolkit and guidelines1 were introduced to the OD TB supervisor during the TB M&E training that provides the guidance to complete the DQR toolkit. In addition to the DQR, there will be discussions on the TB M&E indicators collected at the HF level and the HF-based dashboard at the OD level. Ultimately, the QPRM is an avenue to interact with the other adjoining HFs, to compare performance, learn best practices, and identify the data quality issues and performance gaps with corrective action plans. This platform provides an opportunity to notify/update if there are any changes in recording and reporting and to deliver the TB services and policy changes. The QPRM is a data-driven discussion on their achievement over the past few months and way forward, the TB services provided in the catchment areas, and the problems encountered. The QPRM brings together subnational stakeholders to inform the data quality issues quarterly and gives the HF an opportunity to implement the corrective action, to identify gaps in the performance of TB M&E surveillance compared to TB NSP goals and targets. In addition, the results also need to be presented to allow HF staff to assess trends and define action plans quickly to address data quality issues and performance disparities in the National TB Program (NTP).
Shortname: SR-23-194a TB
Year: 2023
Language: English
Region(s): CAMBODIA
Resource Type: Guidance and Tools
Source: TB DIAH
Filed under: Cambodia, Guidance, Guidance and Tools, Meeting, performance review, quarterly performance review