Manual for management and control of Tuberculosis and Leprosy in Uganda, 3rd Edition

Abstract: This revised manual provides guidance on how the district TB and leprosy supervisor (DTLS) function relates to the health facility staff on the one hand and the health service managers at the district, regional and national levels on the other. The layout has been modified to enrich the indicated areas. Effort has been made to align the national TB strategic plan (NSP) to the MOH Health Sector Development Plan and to the relevant World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. The manual should be a ready reference for the various service providers but also serve to meet the needs of any other people with a stake in the care of tuberculosis and leprosy patients as well as the provision of preventive services
Author(s): Uganda National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme
Year: 2017
Language: English
Region(s): UGANDA
Resource Type: Guidance and Tools
Source: Other