Quality of Tuberculosis Services Assessment in Vietnam: Report

Abstract: The Vietnam QTSA is a cross-sectional study designed to generate nationally representative estimates of key TB quality of care indicators. The purpose of the QTSA is to assess the quality of TB services provided at the Vietnam National TB Program (VNTP) facilities, identify strengths and weaknesses, and generate nationally representative results that will provide the VNTP and other TB stakeholders with information they can use to develop and implement programs and interventions to monitor and improve the quality of TB services.
It is a cross-sectional survey of selected health facilities that provide TB prevention, diagnosis, and treatment services, drawn from the VNTP’s network of public sector facilities. The specific services assessed by the QTSA are screening, diagnosis, treatment, care and follow-up, referral, and laboratory services. The availability and functionality of resources (material and human) to support the delivery of TB services, TB service providers’ competencies and skills, the interactions between providers and patients, and patients’ overall perception of TB services were evaluated to assess the overall quality of services provided by facilities.
It is a cross-sectional survey of selected health facilities that provide TB prevention, diagnosis, and treatment services, drawn from the VNTP’s network of public sector facilities. The specific services assessed by the QTSA are screening, diagnosis, treatment, care and follow-up, referral, and laboratory services. The availability and functionality of resources (material and human) to support the delivery of TB services, TB service providers’ competencies and skills, the interactions between providers and patients, and patients’ overall perception of TB services were evaluated to assess the overall quality of services provided by facilities.
Shortname: TR-24-573 TB
Author(s): Davis, N., Tu Bui, Q., Lee, C., Herrera E., Anh Le Thi, N.
Year: 2024
Language: English
Region(s): VIET NAM
Resource Type: Reports
Source: TB DIAH
Filed under: Assessment, QTSA, quality of TB services, Report, TB, TB services, Tuberculosis, Vietnam