Rapid molecular diagnostics for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in India

Citation: Ramachandran, R., & Muniyandi, M. (2018). Rapid molecular diagnostics for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in India. Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy, 16(3), 197–204. https://doi.org/10.1080/14787210.2018.1438262
Abstract: Rapid molecular diagnostic methods help in the detection of TB and Rifampicin resistance. These methods detect TB early, are accurate and play a crucial role in reducing the burden of drug resistant tuberculosis.
This review analyses rapid molecular diagnostic tools used in the diagnosis of MDR-TB in India, such as the Line Probe Assay and GeneXpert. We have discussed the burden of MDR-TB and the impact of recent diagnostic tools on case detection and treatment outcomes. This review also discusses the costs involved in establishing these new techniques in India.
This review analyses rapid molecular diagnostic tools used in the diagnosis of MDR-TB in India, such as the Line Probe Assay and GeneXpert. We have discussed the burden of MDR-TB and the impact of recent diagnostic tools on case detection and treatment outcomes. This review also discusses the costs involved in establishing these new techniques in India.
Author(s): Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy
Year: 2018
Language: English
Region(s): INDIA
Resource Type: Journal Articles
Source: Other
Filed under: Case dectection, Costs, Diagnostics, Drug-resistant TB, India, Journal Article, mdr-tb, Point of care, Research, Test