TB Monitoring and Evaluation and Data Quality Review: Operational District-Level Trainings

Abstract: The Tuberculosis Data, Impact Assessment and Communication Hub (TB DIAH)—in collaboration with the National Center for Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control (CENAT), the Sustaining Technical and Analytical Resources (STAR) advisor, and Community Mobilization Initiatives to End Tuberculosis (COMMIT)—has developed tools and procedures for TB data quality checks and a mock dashboard that serves as a practice tool for M&E staff to improve their data visualization, analysis, and interpretation capabilities. TB DIAH has also provided training to national and provincial TB M&E staff to strengthen their capacity to carry out M&E functions. The project supported CENAT to train a TB provincial supervisor to be part of the M&E trainers and to train all OD TB M&E staff. All these efforts are consistent with the goals of the TB M&E system in Cambodia, which are to produce quality data from TB surveillance; monitor progress toward the national TB program’s target; and inform decisions on program planning, management, policymaking, and resource allocation.
Through these trainings, TB DIAH introduced the data quality review (DQR) toolkit and helped the OD staff build the basic skills to understand, analyze, and interpret TB data. The DQR toolkit is adopted from the World Health Organization’s DQR modules and is designed to facilitate periodic data quality checks to be conducted routinely through desk reviews and supervisory visits. This checklist will help to systematically identify and address data quality problems across health facilities. The data quality check identifies areas of improvement and helps inform corrective actions.
Through these trainings, TB DIAH introduced the data quality review (DQR) toolkit and helped the OD staff build the basic skills to understand, analyze, and interpret TB data. The DQR toolkit is adopted from the World Health Organization’s DQR modules and is designed to facilitate periodic data quality checks to be conducted routinely through desk reviews and supervisory visits. This checklist will help to systematically identify and address data quality problems across health facilities. The data quality check identifies areas of improvement and helps inform corrective actions.
Shortname: WS-23-64 TB
Author(s): TB DIAH
Year: 2023
Language: English
Region(s): CAMBODIA
Resource Type: Reports
Source: TB DIAH
Filed under: Cambodia, CENAT, COMMIT, Data quality, data quality review, DQR, monitoring and evaluation, OD, operational district, Report, STAR, TB, Training, Tuberculosis