The impact of pastoralist mobility on tuberculosis control in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-synthesis

Citation: Nooh, F., Crump, L., Hashi, A. et al. The impact of pastoralist mobility on tuberculosis control in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-synthesis. Infect Dis Poverty 8, 73 (2019).
Abstract: Directly observed treatment, short-course (DOTS) is the current mainstay to control tuberculosis (TB) worldwide. Context-specific adaptations of DOTS have impending implications in the fight against TB. In Ethiopia, there is a national TB control programme with the goal to eliminate TB, but uneven distribution across lifestyle gradients remains a challenge. Notably, the mobile pastoralist communities in the country are disproportionately left uncovered. The aim of this study was to summarize the evidence base from published literature to guide TB control strategy for mobile pastoralist communities in Ethiopia.
Author(s): Infectious Diseases of Poverty
Year: 2019
Language: English
Region(s): ETHIOPIA
Resource Type: Journal Articles
Source: Other